International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals – 12th to 15th May 2010

The Conference will be held at the ZOO AQUARIUM OF MADRID, Spain, hosted by Jesús Fernández Morán. The aim of the conference is to foster an exchange of ideas among international specialists from many disciplines working with free-ranging and captive animals. To achieve this aim we have selected a list of main topics and workshops. The increasing importance of zoos and zoo veterinarians in in situ conservation projects around the world prompted the wish to reflect these efforts more overtly. Therefore, this conference should also serve as a platform to present conservation projects of a specified geographical region (this year: South America) to discuss veterinary issues of such project work.

The deadline for the submissions of manuscripts is the 10th February 2010.

For application details or any other further information on the conference please visit our website at: // Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information at: or

The organising committee J F Moran, E M Nevado, R Esteban, A Fernandez (Zoo Madrid) – H Hofer, S Seet, G Wibbelt, P Kretzschmar, G Liebich ( IZW) – A Lawrenz (EAZWV)